Monday, December 3, 2007

La Nova Radio.

I feel very productive right now (at this moment in time and in life). Today, I worked 8 hours, then had a 1 hour french lesson, then I went to the gym for an hour, then I went grocery shopping, I am now writing this post and afterwards I am gonna play guitar for a bit. That is a freaking full day.
For those of you who don't know, I am 27 years old now. (Je suis vingt-sept ans.) I spent my birthday weekend in Amsterdam. It was one wild weekend including the weather. The rain was relentless! Regardless, I managed to survive the weekend and have one pretty damn good time as well. Anyway, I will have a post about the whole experience very soon, but for now...

La Nova Radio.
Oh man! This is a very important topic. La Nova happens to be the radio station that I listen to at work (against my will) all day. Let me pass on this info: they only play about 15 songs on loop all day, which they cal: Le Grand Mix. It is ridiculous! And just so you can experience the same misery that I go through every single day, I have included the names of some of the songs that are played regularly.

Just go to this website: DEEZER This site is actually very cool. It is considered online radio. And because of that, you can access any song you can think of at anytime. You can't download the songs but you can listen to them whenever you want. Anyway, just go to this site and type in a few of these songs so that you can feel the pain I go through on a daily basis. If you are limited for time, at least listen to the first one. Believe me, it will be well worth the effort... LOL...

The Songs.
Ska Cubano - Soy Campesino
Hocus Pocus - Recycle

Little Dragon - No Love
Jack Penate - Learning Lines
Radio City - The Hop

On the upside, on Friday nights, they seem to expand on the basic 15 songs with some remixes and stuff. 2 weeks ago I heard a very cool mash-up of Radiohead and Busta Rhymes. Very interesting!

Keep an eye out for my next post that will cover my trip to London from 2 weeks ago...

1 comment:

Britni said...

Just when you think it couldnt get any worse, they started to sing.
